Business Christmas Countdown Preparation Guide

    Reinventing your business’s marketing and design is crucial to distinguishing yourself in the crowded Christmas market. However, amidst the holiday rush, many small business owners find it challenging to determine where to begin. To make a meaningful impact this holiday season, careful planning is key. Here are some valuable tips to consider: Phase…

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Time to Plan for Christmas Financial Obligations

A Guide for New Zealand Business As the year races towards its end, many New Zealanders are beginning to turn their thoughts towards Christmas. It’s a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness, but it also comes with financial obligations that can be stressful if not properly managed. Today, we will discuss important financial considerations, including…

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Spring Clean your Business

Dealing with Economic Challenges As some experts predict slower growth in the economy, many businesses are preparing for less spending by consumers. Regardless of whether they see a drop in demand for their products and services, Businesses need to find ways to keep making money and growing. Scott Wiltshire, who leads Oracle NetSuite ANZ, offers…

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The value of cashflow forecasting during a crisis

Projecting your cashflow pipeline forwards during a crisis is vital.   To be able to navigate the future path of your cashflow, you need to start forecasting – so you can map out your financial position over the coming months and can take the appropriate action to safeguard your cash position.   Plus, when you…

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How Healthy is Your Business?

You may think that your business is trucking along nicely and everything’s tickety-boo, but a few simple calculations will give you a better idea of how it’s doing. I know your eyes are starting to glaze over at the thought of doing some calculations, but please stick with me because your business could benefit from…

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A Bookkeeper’s Tip: Reconcile, reconcile, reconcile

If that’s your reaction to the title of this blog, then I strongly advise that you keep reading.  Please, for the good of your business keep reading.  If you’re still not interested, then might we suggest engaging a bookkeeper, such as Building Blocks for Business, to do this for you?   What is a reconciliation?…

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Be Good to Your Business; Get a Bookkeeper

building blocks for business small business accounting bookkeeping payroll auckland howick

Why your business needs a bookkeeper. There are so many jobs to do when you have your own business and no matter how hard you try you can’t be great at doing them all.  The wise sages of the internet say that you should be outsourcing whatever you’re not good at and we can’t disagree…

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